CIWC’s campaign for workplace safety – Seguridad para todos ahora – provides education and advice on safety in the workplace for Spanish and English speakers. This program produces OSHA certifications for hundreds of local workers who then help avoid workplace injuries and create a network of worker-to-worker support in the Latino/a community. Aid to injured workers by CIWC trainees and members is a critical feature of that support network. Ohio’s constitution guarantees injured workers the right to insured medical care and lost wage payments under the Workers’ Compensation system. Our members spread the word in the community that all workers including immigrant workers are entitled to Workers Comp. Often a call to the CIWC is enough to help workers get paid and cared for – but sometimes the boss will fight the worker’s claim. Over the years, dozens of injured workers have found legal support to fight back and enforce these claims by calling the CIWC hotline (513-621-5991). Since we started actively tracking these calls in 2020, CIWC has worked with legal partners like George Moeller and Timothy Byland to help seven workers recover $112,600 in lost wages and medical care.